"Guess there's some justice in the world. You suffer, you go through hell. Then happiness comes along for everyone."
Prostitute Cabiria's only goal is to experience true love and contentment, but her rootless journey does not unfold as conventionally as she had hoped.
This is the second movie I've seen on the Top 250 directed by Federico Fellini and whose main star is Giulietta Masina. Though this style of film is not nearly my favorite, I still enjoyed it in some ways. For one, Masina is a fantastic actress! Every scene with her in it is poignantly executed, and her emotion seems palpable. The film also holds a variety of interesting characters who give great performances, from curious though naive Cabiria, to the promisingly warm movie star Alberto, to the seemingly too-good-to-be-true Oscar. The nature of these characters all contribute to the movie's objective, and ultimately tie everything together.
One of my favorite aspects of the film is its overall message, which is to persevere despite life's challenges. Cabiria acts as a excellent example for this concept, and her character development is truly inspirational. The last few minutes of the movie, though it took some sinking in for me to come to this conclusion, is a beautiful scene that can strike a chord with anyone who sees it, regardless of one's background or lifestyle. My immediate rating is 6.5/10.
Characters: 7/10
Acting: 7.5/10
Storyline: 6.8/10
Entertainment Value: 4/10
Immediate Rating: 6.5/10
Total Score: 31.8/50
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