Monday, July 11, 2011

#221. The Battle of Algiers

"Should we remain in Algeria? If you answer 'yes,' then you must accept all the necessary consequences." 

This film is a true account of the Battle of Algiers in the 1950s. The French and Algerian people are enemies in a bloody battle as the Arabs seek independence, both sides using bombs or methods of torture to ultimately win the Algerian War.

Even though I wasn't alive during this war, this film looked like a very realistic and authentic account. Also, reading other reviews has lead me to 
believe this movie's acclaim stems a lot from its realism of how the battle really happened. The torture scenes in particular seemed horribly realistic. It was just an extremely sad thing to watch. But more than that, I appreciate that this movie doesn't just show the atrocity of the French, but also of the FLN. Bombing buildings with many innocent people in them is just as bad as anything the French did in my book, and I'm glad the film director wasn't completely biased as far as showing only Arabs as victims of the battle.

Even though I don't find war movies or history movies in general to be entertaining in the least, I respect this film for showing both 
perspectives of the Algerian War, and not forcing one "good" side and one "bad" side for the sake of what sells in the cinema. Furthermore, it was pretty eye-opening to learn about a war that I never even knew existed. My immediate rating is a 7/10. 

Characters: 6.4/10
Acting: 7.3/10
Storyline: 6.7/10
Entertainment Value: 6.3/10
Immediate Rating: 7/10

Total Score: 33.7/50

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