Characters: 7
Acting: 7
Storyline: 6
Entertainment Value: 6
Immediate Rating: 6.5
Total Score: 32.5/50
Characters: 7
Acting: 7
Storyline: 6
Entertainment Value: 6
Immediate Rating: 6.5
Total Score: 32.5/50
I was captivated from the beginning. An avant-guard horror movie more than anything, you never know what to expect. The ominous music, uncanny faces— all are deeply unsettling in the best way. The protagonist acts as our only anchor, unbothered my the absurdity he's perceiving.
Characters: 7
Acting: 7
Storyline: 6
Entertainment Value: 5.5
Immediate Rating: 6
Total Score: 31.5/50
Total Score: 35/50
Characters: 7.5
Acting: 8
Storyline: 7
Entertainment Value: 7
Immediate Rating: 7.5
Total Score: 37/50
Characters: 6.5
Acting: 6
Storyline: 7
Entertainment Value: 7
Immediate Rating: 7
Total Score: 33.5/50
Characters: 7
Acting: 8
Storyline: 6
Entertainment Value: 6.5
Immediate Rating: 7
Total Score: 34.5/50
“It's a hard world for little things."
I have to admit it’s not really my thing, despite its objective significance. I found it slow paced and too uncomfortable at times. My immediate rating is a 6/10.
Characters: 7
Acting: 7
Storyline: 6
Entertainment Value: 5.5
Immediate Rating: 6
Total Score: 31.5/50