"Mind you, even I didn't guess that at once...extraordinary."
After the discovery of his wife's infidelity, an ex-pro tennis player carries out a well-thought out, "perfect" plan to murder her.
The first time I tried to watch this, I got through about 25 minutes, and decided to quit because I just couldn't get into it. The second time around, I was determined to give the movie my undivided attention, and was able to concentrate the whole time, though I found it difficult in some scenes. That's probably my biggest complaint about this film: having to give deliberate concentration. My favorite movies are the ones that I don't even have to try to pay attention to; they demand it. This is not one of those for me. Thankfully, the film got much more interesting and suspenseful after its slow beginning.
I found this movie quite similar to another that I've watched from the Top 250, Rope. They were both directed by Alfred Hitchock, and both plots were essentially centered around the idea of a "perfect murder". I enjoyed the theme of mystery that Dial M for Murder brought; it kept me thinking, and I never expected the ending. I also enjoyed the personalities of the characters. Ray Milland portrays a confident, intelligent criminal, and Grace Kelly the beautiful, doe-eyed damsel. The inspector is also quite interesting, with his perceptive observations ultimately tying the entire plot together.
Though this film had some great aspects that I can appreciate, I was expecting to be more entertained. My immediate rating is a 6.9/10.
Characters: 7/10
Acting: 6.6/10
Storyline: 6.8/10
Entertainment Value: 6.8/10
Immediate Rating: 6.9/10
Total Score: 34.1/50